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Vacancy on District Board of Directors

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The Mt. View Sanitary District will have one vacant position on its Board of Directors, effective date of vacancy is December 13, 2024. The Board is seeking interested parties who live in Area 5 of the District’s service area, are registered voters, and would like to serve their community as a Board member.  

The Area 5 map can be found here: MAP.

You can also check your address using this interactive map: HERE

When using the interactive map, look for the search bar (highlighted by purple arrow below) and enter your address. A list of potential addresses will populate below the search box. You may select an address or click on the magnifying glass to search.

Interface of a GIS mapping tool with options for legend, layers, basemap, measuring, sharing, and printing.


You can also verify what area you live in by calling the District office at 925-228-5635.

Interested parties must complete the Statement of Interest form by either completing the online form below or downloading the form and submitting it to the Board Secretary by November 27, 2024 via:

Interested parties are invited to attend the annual Strategic Planning workshop on December 6, 2024, 8am to noon, at the District Board Room. Please email your RSVP HERE.

Download Statement of Interest Form

Online Statement of Interest Form

Please answer the following questions and attach a summary of your qualifications and/or resume:
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Board of Directors Policy B-70 reads as follows:

Appointment in Event of Board Vacancy B-70

Purpose:    This policy determines when a Board vacancy occurs and sets forth procedures to fill the vacancy. 

B-70-10      How a Vacancy Occurs.  A vacancy on the Board exists when a Board Member resigns, is impeached, or recalled, dies or, without excuse, fails to discharge the duties of office for three consecutive months without specific action of the Board to extend.

B-70-20      Applications.  After a vacancy exists, the Board shall request applications from the public and announce a schedule for the application period and a date when applicants will be interviewed by the Board in open public session.

B-70-30      Resumes.  Applicants shall complete a District form and may attach a resume and submit it to the Secretary of the Board within the specified application period.

B-70-40      Majority Vote.  The appointment to fill the vacancy shall be by majority vote.

B-70-50      Election.  If the vacancy is not filled by appointment, the Board shall call an election within 60 days of the vacancy in concurrence with the County Registrar of Voters.

B-70-60      Board of Supervisors.  If the Board fails to fill the vacancy by appointment and fails to call an election within 60 days of the vacancy occurring, the District shall turn the matter over to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors for a decision on an appointment or the calling of an election to fill the vacancy.



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